My Story

About Me

Over the past 17 years I have been assisting others with spiritual, emotional, and perspective issues about life and all that it entails. I recognized a quality in myself when I was 13 years old, where I was able to personally feel what others were feeling. I could take my shoes off (figuratively, of course), and put on another’s shoes and accurately embody their suffering. Through knowing where others are in their pain or healing helps me to help them accurately and kindly out of their suffering.

This ability could have come from dealings with my home environment. My own story of trauma began at the age of 5. I found myself in a consistently emotional and physical abusive relationship with my own parents. Many children are able to recall vividly the house they grew up in, I am able to remember the feelings of being in an emotional prison. One that I was ready to escape but knew I did not have the correct tool set to survive.

Out in the world, improperly prepared, and wildly dysfunctional I quickly latched on to one thing I believed would keep me afloat: alcohol. Staying afloat was my way of survival. Although it may not feel like you are in trouble when you are in the hands of alcohol, it is a drug. One evening I found myself in the depths of my despair and not sure if I would be able to find a way out.

I realized that my only chance of surviving was to literally change the way I was living. I was in the process of killing myself and I was going to take my family down with me. This is when I entered a well-known program for my addiction.

I am now in long-term recovery, speaking publicly about the traumas that affect each and every aspect of your life. I have healed and processed all the traumatic experiences of my life and found a way to assist others in finding strength, wisdom, knowledge, and insights to stop your suffering.

My system is equally balanced.

I listen intently to you share about your past experiences and the emotions you are handling. Through listening I am able to immerse myself into your experience and offer a believable, workable solution. Together, through compassion and understanding, we can and will get you to a place of inner peace and hope.

I want you to feel comfortable working with me and I am giving away a FREE, 15-minute “Meet & Greet” session. Simply click below to “START NOW” and select “Free, Meet & Greet” and let’s talk. I just want to help.
